C.T.D - World Universal Center / 'Kingdom' Of Total Development Tellusian World University Center of Total*Universal Culture, W.U.T.C (Wuni) Akademia Etnokultura Transylvanica, EKTA
Sommer-Course in Regional EthnoMusicology and Choreology in Transylvania, Date: 05th - 12th of August 2020. Learn more >>>
Projects start in holistical and multicultural developement Learn more >> World University-Congress '2022'
in Lund, Sweden, in the leading-wisdom-sciencesof the Worldunivesity in coollaboration with EKTA Learn more >> ITEK Archive >>
Don't forget that the Human Lifetime goes very fast here on the Tellus!
But, You have the possibility - Here and Now - to secure your, your childrens' and other relatives' Lifelong true-human education and development - to realize a high level of individual- universal consciousness, wisdom, harmonization, integration and fulfillment - Here and Now - in a totalevolutionistic endless-existential perspective!
In this totalrealization process culture, and cultural creativity has a leading roll, therwithin the suitably created and performated music and dance can account as the fastest universal- development way.
The Akademia 'ETNOKULTURA' - Transylvanica is an academic-foundation and is oriented towards culture and science. It was legally registered in 1994 in Odorheiu-Secuiesc / Székelyudvarhely, Transylvania, Romania by Fodor Béla Adalbert - currently swedesh citizen.
The foundation Ethnocultura was legally registerd in 1995 in Lund (Sweden) too, together with the 'Internationella Institutet för Tillämpad Total - Etno - Kultur, I.T'E.K/ International Institute for Applied Total Ethno Culture (ITEK) and the Akademia ITEK'2001'/ International Academy of Total*Etno*Culturology, TEKIA as the
independent department from Romania of the World Universal Total Development Center, C.T.D and The Tellusian World University Center Of Total Universal Culture, T_WUTC.
The Foundation's priorities are the aid of the cultural-, educational and
scientific progress of humanity. To achieve these goals, the foundation
initiates and organizes several cultural, educational and scientific
programms, with the aim of preserving the cultural traditions, bringing
the ethnical cultures closer to each other, preventing and facilitating
cultural blocades, aiding the multiethnic harmonization and integration, researching, reestablishing and disseminating the cultural values.
Furthermore, one of the initial goals of the Foundation is the establishment of institutional education on a new cultural and scientific base, in addition to collaborate on its fields of activity with the governmental and nongovernmental or privateinstitutions, organisations,
firms or persons.
In the autumn of 1995 the first academical Departments (Transylvanian and Swedish) of the Matherinstitution I.T'E.K, coinciding in Transylvania with the establishment and succesful commence of the FolkMusic and FolkDance Academy from Székelyudvarhely were established. (The academy stated with more than
75 students, having its residence in the Educational House from Székelyudvarhely).
The World Universal Total Development Center, C.T.D and the World
University Center,(the 'ITEK University':I.T'E.K-, TEKIA & W.U.T.E.C.S.)
and within this the transylvanian ETHNOCULTURE Academic Foundation
by itsformational and developmental process is closely related to the transylvanian VENYIGE Dancehouse movement and to the "VENYIGE" Folkmusic and Folkdance Group, both playing an important
role in Transylvania. Furthermore the process of establishing and
extending the above mentioned movement and group provided a period
rich in activity and experience, with the cooperation on a cultural field
of hundreds, maybe thousands of people with different ethnical origins
from Transylvania and its regions, especially from the Székelyföld.
This process mainly contributed to the formation of the spiritual- ideal ground and of the actual content and formal criteria of the ITEK-University/ Wold University... This was the period when the ideal and formal bases of the ITEK- Academy were established, which could develop under the sign of the VENYIGE Folkmusic and Folkdance Center in Székelyudvarhely (1977-1978), the Artistic Folkschool and later by the municipal Cultural House.
The Akademia EtnoKultura/ITEK-Transylvania was established in Székelyudvarhely, the autumn of 1995 and was the first transylvanian academy using Hungarian language.
The Folkdance and Folkmusic Academy from Székelyudvarhely was established, as a part of I.T'E.K, with the participation of a great number of Venyige Band members as organizers, leaders, teachers or
Although the above mentioned FolkDance and FolkMusic department
from Székelyudvarhely, of the ETHNOCULTURE ACADEMY after
functioning successfully for 3 years, due to the lack of financial support,
came to an end (1998). From 1999 it started to function again, in the
renewed form of distance learningin the ITEK Academy & W.U.T.E.C.S
(within WUTC) and it maintained its continuity, where internationally
anybody, who is interested can continue or initiate studying and develop
himself - with worldunique and special possibilities. (International
Music and Dance Academy: http://www.worlduniversitycenter.net/MDA.html).
The Transylvanian ETHNOCULTURE Foundation & Academy is represented and administered by a local, independent board of trustees, which at the same time locally represents the I.T.E.K-, TEKIA & W.U.T.E.C.S. and participates in its international board.
The Akademia ETHNOCUTURA is an independent part/department of the music and dancefolkloristic and culture centered Transylvanian establishment of the 90´s due to a global perspective, it was further developed to an international university center (with mainly distance
learning), representing the Universal Cultural Sciences Academy and
the ITEK University.
So the ETHNOCULTURE Foundation and Academy (ITEK Academy) is the first established part of the above mentioned I.T.E.K.-, TEKIA & W.U.T.E.C.S. academical center and University.
As a result of Fodor B. Adalbert's multiethnocultural research and activity, the gathered unique music and dancefolkloristic collection and archive represents one of the Foundation's early achievements. The founder donated a significant part of the collection and archive to the established 'Akademia ETHNOCULTURA', and I.T'E.K-, TEKIA & W.U.T.E.C.S, helped to fulfill the cultural, educational and scientific goals of general interest.
(In hungarian - magyarul) >>)
About the activity of theETHNOCULTURE Foundation and Academy
Foundation and Academy
together with I.T.E.K and other
associations organized and/or
founded different intercultural
programs, courses, seminars,
conferences having the priority
of establishing transylvanian
cultural-, scientific relationships,
exchanges and other types of
programmes. (Read about
the programs above).
For more Information mail to: worlduniversitycenter >>
Vetett ágy" /made bed from
Kalotaszentkirály, Kolozsvár/
Cluj-county, Transylvania.
VENYIGE in Lund, (Sw).
Venyige and the Forrás
Folkgroup from Lund.
The VENYIGE Folk group from
Székelyudvarhely had several
visits in Lund, during the ‘90s,
and made numerous folkmusic
and folkdance performances
(in many places in Sweden)
with the participation of the
Forrás Folkdancegroup,
Midnatts Choir, the Hungarian,
Romanian and other cultural
associations from Lund,
organized by the ITEK
Academy in cooperation with
the transylvanian Ethno-
culture Foundation and
Academy, furthermore the
Cultural Center of
The Cultural Programs in MagyarAndrásfalva At the residence of the
cultural programs where
organized year by year with
the scope of promoting and
bringing the local traditions
back to life. The main
happenings were: the
traditional May Festivals, balls,
dancehouse programs and
many others.
The folkmusical data was
archived and organised by
computer, as one of the
activities of the ITEK
Academy and Foundation,
with the coordination of Fodor
Béla from the regions of:
Gagyvize, az Udvarhelyszék,
Csík, Gyergyó, Gyimes and
other parts of Székelyföld and
The work had been done by
Bartha Ildikó and Fodor
Erzsébet (members of the
Pipacsok-Red Poppies dance
group) in between 1994 and
1995. So far, more than 500
pages of text transcipts had
been made, recorded in
between the ‘70s and the ‘80s,
from the (thousands of)
interwiews documenting
The work needs to be
Here you can find some of
the recorded interviews
about folkmusic and folk-
dance: Fazakas Dénes from
Siménfalva, Bíró Osváth and
his family, Fülöp József from
Énlaka, Antal Domokos and
Berta, Kapos Gáspár and Lina
from Kôrispatak, Szakál András from Küsmôd;
Barabás Gyula and his band: SzentErzsébet,Balassi Sándor, Béni Dénes:Nyikó-SzentMihály; Simó Mihály from Farkaslaka,
Páffy Ferencz from Hodgya,
Fekete Kálmán from Bögöz
István Ernô and Etelka, Szôcs
Dezsô and Anna from Derzs
(Kányádszeg), Szabó Domokos, Szabó Irén,
Hátszegi Ráki, Orbán Berta
from Telakfalva, Majláth Gábor and band from Abásfalva,
Bálint Jenô and Viktória
Balla József, Balla Márton,
Oláh József from Gyergyújfalú,
Ivácsony Barát Ádám, Máthé
Vilmos from GyergyóRemete
Ambrus Fülöp Hosszú from
Gyimesközéplok, Salamáspatak,
Péter (Ambrus Anna) from
Balogh László and his wife
from Csikszentdomokos,
Kozma Vincze from
Summer-'DanceHouse' Campwith Coursesin Andrásfalva,TRANSYLVANIA, in Regional Ethno-Musicology and EthnoChoreology
(incl. Applied folkloristic):
• The Transylvanian multi-ethnic
music- and dance culture with
focusing on the 'Székelyföldi'
Folkmusic and Folkdances.
• Rural-holistical culture- and life-
tradition knowledge-acquiring
• Theoretical and practical folkmusic
- and folkdance-seminaries
• Folkmusik and Dance-creativity
• Applied life- and culture-philosophy
You have the possibility to enjoy
the free improvisative dancing and developing
of the holistical music and dance-creativity. "Dance House" every evening!
• Course-leader:Adalbert B. Fodor,
Ph.D (TCSc.)
• Date: 05th August - 12th of August 2025.
• Place: the village of Adrásfalva/
Andreeni, rural district: Avramesti /
Szent-Ábrahám; province: Harghita, Romania.
• Price: 300 euro/person (Board and
lodging are included).
NOTE. For the Worlduniversitystudents and
members it only costs 200 euro/person.